Sunday, December 26, 2010


Hi guys! Well, today I had the greatest experience of my life when I got to go to Carlo's Bakery (that's Buddy's bakery)! We got some cookies, and my mom ordered a syphilis fondant cake for my birthday!!!! IT'S GONNA BE SO BEYOND AWESOME!!!!!!!!!! <3
I'll be sure to post pictures of it here.
Well, Happy Boxing Day!!!!!


Saturday, December 25, 2010


Merry Christmas!
So, in honor of, erm, today, I've decided to put up some special cakes. Really special cakes. OK, here they are (well, actually, they're above this post):

Ermm...ok...not exactly what I would call "special." This cake is a little crazy, looking kind of like rainbow vomit. Apparently, this was made by Practical Cakes, and guess what... IT'S NOT A REAL CAKE! I think it's baby supplies. Anyway, moving on...

Is this really what you get when you look up "really special cakes" on google? Really? Anyway, it's still a nice cake, except for the random little triangles around the cake, those are just weird. And the tie-dye. Yeah. That's a little weird-looking. But the Wii is nice :) This was made by Disney chefs, I think.

Well, Merry Christmas!


Friday, December 24, 2010


Hi again! Since I'm going to be away for the rest of winter vacation after Christmas (dancing in the Orange Bowl on Jan. 3rd- please watch!) and cannot guarantee that I'll be able to post for New Year's, I'm gonna post early- 'cause that's how much I love you. OK, here goes...

While they lack supercuteness (it's the curse of the Hanukkah cakes!), these are still pretty cool, capturing the whole "countdown" aspect of New Year's pretty elegantly, especially the one on top, made by Nathalie's Taarten. The other one, made by Olivia Dougherty from Roseville, CA (WHOA. NON-PRO CAKE. MAJOR KUDOS!), is pretty cool too. Obviously, these aren't for 2011, but they're still newyearlicious.

Happy New Year to all!



Hey guys! So, in the spirit of Winter Vacation, I decided to put up some Hanukkah cakes. COMMENCE MAJOR CUTENESS!!!

...So, after twenty minutes of searching and about four different spellings of the word "Hanukkah," THIS is the cutest cake I find. Really? Really? I was hoping for, like, a gigantic jelly doughnut cake with a cute little face, or a cute little dreidel with a face, or something like that, but noooo, all they've got is THIS. And, though it does have fondant (which I applaud oh so much) and correct-looking Hebrew (kudos for that to the baker, Lambeez. No, that's not a person, it's a bakery, you silly, silly blog reader), it just lacks the supreme cuteness I had been hoping for.
Anyway, Merry Christmas to those who celebrate, and to those who don't:


Thursday, December 23, 2010


Hey everybody! Sorry that I haven't posted in a while, it's just been really hectic this year with school and everything else. I'll try my best to post more, though! :)

OK, so I suppose you see a few cakes up above this post, considering I haven't figured out how to put them anywhere else yet. So, here goes...

I figured that since it *is* December 23rd, I might as well put up some cute holiday cakes. The first one you see is the one with presents, right? Isn't it CUTE? <3
It was made by Pink Cake Box, and it looks to die for. Just, cute!

The next one is so loveydoveysuperdupercute I died. It was made by Karen Davies, I think. Pretty sure. Either way, kudos (or, should I say, cute-os) to you, baker!

Anyway, Happy Holidays to you all! And if you don't celebrate anything, no Hanukkah, no Kwanzaa, no Christmas, no New Years...well, BAH-HUMBUG too you too! :P

I'm just kidding. Sort of.

Wishing everyone a happy and healthy new year,

Saturday, August 28, 2010

It's a little...

And this is all for Ireland's birthday. I wonder if she loves or hates Lil' Wayne (y'know, I'm not sure how I would feel about having a decapitated rapper made of fondant for my birthday if he were someone I admired.). Well, either way, this is a pretty magnifico piece o' cake, dontcha think?
Well, anyhoo, I don't quite know who made it, but if its Ireland's parents, KU-DOS!
G'night :)


ps- Happy Birthday Ireland!!!! :D

Why Abstinence is Cool (besides it being the easiest way to prevent Syphillis):

'Cause you won't need to expect a cake like this. It's so... passive-aggressive, don't you think? I mean, "congrats" isn't the word I would use here. I think that "WHY IN THE WORLD WOULD YOU GET A" would probably make more sense, don't you?
Don't know who made this, but I sure hope it wasn't her parents.

Until next time,

Sunday, July 11, 2010


Hi everyone! As you can see, I'm trying to cope with my lack of blog skills. ;)

Well, we have three cakes here that make me say ACK. How 'bout you?

It's a sign of the apocalypse, I know. Whatever. However, I feel it is my duty to tell you some symptoms that ol' Eddy here is showing of the horrible yet common CouchPotato Disorder (or STRANGE CAKE DISEASE):

  1. Flabby, misshapen arms.
  2. You don't like fruit anymore ("Here, Bella, YOU eat my apple. I don't want it.)
  3. All of the above.
WATCH OUT FOR THESE SYMPTOMS- CPD/SCD spreads faster than swine flu!

CAKE #2: Death by Cake (or rather, cake as a result of death)
While this cake looks very well done, it was made for a wake (or so I've heard), so for it I give an ACK. A math lesson:

Colorful Flowers + Dead guy = Happy about death?
Serving dead guy + family and friends = ecstatic about death?

All of the above= ACK STRANGE CAKE!

hope that helps y'all pass the Algebra Regents, folks.

(for those of you from out-of-state, the Regents are difficult school exams, K?)

moving on- this cake is DEAD to me now. *bum-bum CHA!*

CAKE #3: the lovebug
Gee, if Mrs. Ladybug (from James and the Giant Peach) had a kid with an Avatar (part-human, remember?) who likes flowers, THIS WOULD BE IT- ACK! I'm just gonna let you guys toy with that one (enjoy your dreams tonight!) **wicked grin**

Well, gotta go. Things to do, people to see, y'know?

Until next time,

Friday, June 25, 2010


[well there's cake number two (directly above- cake #1 is the tippity top one). what a bust (the POST, not the cake. I LOVE the cake. promise.)!]

Hi everyone! I just got back from my loverly trip to the Mediterranean Sea. I LOVED IT!
So, in celebration of my return ('cause I know y'all missed me!) I am going to post BOAT CAKES!
let us BEGIN.....
ermmm... I think the cake went ABOVE the post by accident. oops. ;)

CAKE #2, come on down, you're on THE CAKE IS RIGHT! (i hope)
nope. above number one. This whole blog thing is just too gosh darn HARD!
*clears throat* sorry. my anger management counselor's on vacation this week, you see, so, um... yeah. PLEASE don't tell her about this (by the way, I'm kidding about the anger issues thing, but you knew that, right? Right? RIGHT?!?!?!?!?).

Well, I guess I'll just explain the cakes from ALL THE WAY DOWN HERE!
CAKE #1: Very professional... maybe it is. not sure. I give credit to whatever genius invented this one.
CAKE #2: Very cutesy, dontcha think? However, not as pro-coolness as #1.
Still, credit to the genius.

Well, until next time,

Sunday, May 30, 2010


For those of you who were alive in the 90s and early 00s, you may remember that Barbie cakes were the big thing. Well now they're really the BIG thing!!! This cake, made in Sydney, Australia, is almost 7 feet tall. She is to celebrate Barbie's 50th birthday (botox much, Barbie? jkjk) On her are REAL Swarovski crystals, gold silk, and she's made of mud cake!! She was made after Barbie's 50th anniversary edition dress. This was designed by Australian designer Alex Perry, jewelry designer Stephano Canturi, hairdresser Joh Bailey, and was made in collaboration with Sweet Art Bakers. WHAT A CAKE!!!
