Sunday, July 11, 2010


Hi everyone! As you can see, I'm trying to cope with my lack of blog skills. ;)

Well, we have three cakes here that make me say ACK. How 'bout you?

It's a sign of the apocalypse, I know. Whatever. However, I feel it is my duty to tell you some symptoms that ol' Eddy here is showing of the horrible yet common CouchPotato Disorder (or STRANGE CAKE DISEASE):

  1. Flabby, misshapen arms.
  2. You don't like fruit anymore ("Here, Bella, YOU eat my apple. I don't want it.)
  3. All of the above.
WATCH OUT FOR THESE SYMPTOMS- CPD/SCD spreads faster than swine flu!

CAKE #2: Death by Cake (or rather, cake as a result of death)
While this cake looks very well done, it was made for a wake (or so I've heard), so for it I give an ACK. A math lesson:

Colorful Flowers + Dead guy = Happy about death?
Serving dead guy + family and friends = ecstatic about death?

All of the above= ACK STRANGE CAKE!

hope that helps y'all pass the Algebra Regents, folks.

(for those of you from out-of-state, the Regents are difficult school exams, K?)

moving on- this cake is DEAD to me now. *bum-bum CHA!*

CAKE #3: the lovebug
Gee, if Mrs. Ladybug (from James and the Giant Peach) had a kid with an Avatar (part-human, remember?) who likes flowers, THIS WOULD BE IT- ACK! I'm just gonna let you guys toy with that one (enjoy your dreams tonight!) **wicked grin**

Well, gotta go. Things to do, people to see, y'know?

Until next time,